Do you know the meaning of these six common


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Jun 15, 2023

Do you know the meaning of these six common

Can you remember the meanings of these six words? Subscribe today to get the latest headlines straight to your inbox with our free email updates We have more newsletters Subscribe today to get the

Can you remember the meanings of these six words?

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These words may sound familiar - but do you know what they mean? If we encounter certain words less frequently in our daily lives or reading materials, our memory retention for those words may be weaker. The more often we encounter a word, the more likely we are to remember its meaning.

When we process information at a superficial level, such as merely skimming through a text, we may not fully encode the meaning of words. In contrast, if we engage in deep processing, like actively trying to understand and relate new words to our existing knowledge, we are more likely to remember their meanings.

Remembering words becomes easier when they are associated with a particular context or situation. For instance, if we learn a word in the context of a story or a specific experience, it is more likely to stick in our memory.

So can you remember the meanings of these six words?


A Medicinal plant

B Coarse-grained paper

C Rampart or earthwork


A Sorrow audibly

B Farm wagon

C Fine oak panelling


A Ship’s small boat

B Deviate temporarily

C Tropical epidemic


A Animal magnetism

B Dissection

C Representation of an animal form


A Nourishment

B Salve for wounds

C Paying one’s respects


A Tearstained

B Removed excessive fat

C Thought ill of

Scroll down to check your answers...






1 C

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. A